Students Learn Coping Strategies at Mental Health Awareness Day

By Corbin Johnson Many say that college is a great time to find out what is your lifelong dream, but that has sometimes been an understatement. When young adults enter college, it can be hard to adjust due to new experiences, having new responsibilities, and growing pains. It is also nerve-wrecking because this is the first-time students will have to navigate their own physical and mental health without the help of their parents. As a result, students can develop mental illnesses or other physical illnesses as well. College is a…

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Students Find Great Stress Relief through Animals

By Faith LeMelle Pets can be a great way to help reduce anxiety, according to Medical Health Foundation. With all the weight of dealing with personal issues, pets can help students find a healthy way to cope with stress. Xavier’s Mobilization At Xavier program’s Pet Awareness With Students or PAWS, partners with local pet shelters to allow students to volunteer with the shelter animals. Animal Rescue New Orleans hosts ten to twelve students with weekly trips to play with the shelter dogs and cats. The shelter is home to dogs…

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Crime Spikes in New Orleans

By Endya Gillard The city of New Orleans experienced high crime rates this year in 2022. The crime rates began rising in 2020 given the hardships of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the New Orleans Police Department has experienced a shortage of police officers ever since. This year New Orleans became the top city with the highest murder rate per capita. Many New Orleans residents said they fear living in the city because the crime is spiraling out of control. “The police are limited because of the consent decree. They cannot…

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Xavier Lifts Mask Mandate

By Hannah Stoutmire As of Oct. 3, Xavier’s president Dr. Reynold Verret notified campus that the mandatory mask mandate put in place this semester for the university has been officially been lifted. This statement caused mix feelings from the Xavier community, some good and some bad. “The prevalence of COVID-19 infections has declined significantly, and the new bivalent vaccines protect against the omicron sub variants,” Verret said his statement. “Thus, the university no longer requires masking indoors. Persons may wear their mask at their own discretion. We encourage members of…

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